Nervous System Regulation and Somatics for Being Better Everyday

Let's face it. Life’s busy.

And stressful.

We’re constantly juggling a thousand things at once—your job, your kid’s activities and maybe even your business… the list never ends, does it? For millennial moms, especially, it’s like you’ve signed up for the Olympics of multitasking. But what if there was a way to manage all the chaos? What if there were tools you could use, like RIGHT NOW, to bring some peace into your everyday life?

Enter Nervous System Regulation and Somatics

These two concepts might sound super fancy, but stick with me. They’re about to become your new BFFs in the battle against stress and overwhelm. But first…

Meet Anna Wright: From bed-bound to thriving using Nervous System Regulation

Let me introduce you to Anna Wright, founder of Root to Bloom, and honestly, a total inspiration.

Anna knows firsthand what it feels like to be completely drained—physically, mentally, and emotionally. She spent years climbing the corporate ladder, ticking off all the boxes that should have made her feel successful. But what it led to was something no one saw coming: a complete physical collapse.

She was bed-bound for MONTHS after a severe virus completely wiped her out. Traditional medicine didn’t have the answers she needed. She was told, “Just rest. It’ll pass.” But it didn’t.

So, she started searching for alternative ways to heal. And that’s when she discovered nervous system regulation. It was a game-changer for her, something that doesn’t just help manage stress but literally rewires how our bodies respond to it. This is what got her back on her feet—more empowered than ever. And now, Anna’s sharing those same tools with the world through her business, Root to Bloom & her program GROW.

Nervous System Regulation 101: What’s happening inside our bodies?

So what exactly is nervous system regulation? Here’s the scoop. Our bodies are wired to respond to danger. That’s why when something stressful happens, we have a fight-or-flight response. Think back to ancient times when people had to outrun saber-toothed tigers (not thank you!). Back then you needed that fight-or-flight response to survive.

But guess what? We’re not running from tigers anymore. Now, it’s things like work deadlines, school drop-offs, and that never-ending to-do list that trigger our stress responses. It doesn’t help that our world is FAST—emails, texts, notifications blowing up your phone 24/7. Our nervous system doesn’t know the difference between a hungry predator and a stressful Zoom meeting.

That’s why learning how to regulate your nervous system is SO crucial.

When you regulate your nervous system, you’re basically hitting the “reset” button on your stress response. You’re telling your body, “It’s cool. We’ve got this.”

How do we regulate our nervous system?

Anna breaks it down into a few simple techniques that anyone (yes, even YOU) can use to start feeling more grounded.

  • Deep breathing: Sounds obvious, right? But here’s the thing—when you take deep, slow breaths, you’re sending a message to your body that it’s safe. It instantly calms your nervous system.

  • Grounding techniques: This can be as simple as feeling your feet on the floor, noticing the texture of the ground beneath you, or focusing on something physical like the sound of birds chirping or the feel of wind on your skin. It brings you back to the present moment, pulling you out of that whirlwind of stress.

  • Shaking it out: Yes, like animals do! Have you ever noticed how animals will shake themselves off after a stressful situation? That’s their body’s way of releasing pent-up energy. We can do the same. Just shake it out and let that built-up tension flow out of your body. It might feel silly, but trust me, it works.

These tools are simple, powerful, and designed for REAL life. You don’t need a quiet meditation room or hours of free time. These are the kinds of things you can do while waiting in line at the grocery store or when you’re feeling overwhelmed at your desk.

Somatics: Connecting your mind and body

Now, let’s talk somatics.

At its core, somatics is about recognizing the connection between our mind and body. We tend to think of stress as just being in our heads, but our bodies feel it too. Ever noticed your shoulders tensing up when you’re stressed? Or maybe a knot in your stomach before a big presentation? That’s your body holding onto that stress.

Somatic practices help you release that tension, get out of your head, and back into your body. It’s about tuning into your senses—what you’re hearing, seeing, touching, tasting, smelling—and letting that awareness ground you in the present moment.

Anna’s approach is super practical. It’s not about doing yoga on a beach (although that sounds lovely). It’s about things you can do right now, wherever you are. Mindful walking? Check. Tuning into your breath before you drift off to sleep? Easy. These simple practices are transformative once you make them a part of your daily life.

Building your own toolkit for life

One thing I love about Anna’s work is how she makes all of this so accessible. Her program, GROW, is a 10-day journey designed to teach you the ins and outs of nervous system regulation and somatics.

Each day, you get a mix of educational content (that’s actually interesting and not boring or complicated) and hands-on exercises that fit into your busy life. You’ll learn different techniques, figure out which ones resonate with you, and start building your own personalized toolkit for managing stress.

And the best part? This isn’t about adding one more thing to your to-do list. It’s about making these practices a natural part of your day. Whether you’re taking a walk, drinking your coffee, or waiting for your kid to finish soccer practice, you can weave these techniques into your life.

Teaching the next generation

Anna is all about passing this wisdom on to the next generation. She’s started modeling these practices for her ONE-year-old (so it’s never too early to start).

Think about that—what if, from the time you were a kid, you knew how to regulate your stress? How different would your life be now? By teaching these tools to our children, we’re equipping them to face life’s inevitable stressors with resilience and confidence.

For Anna, it’s as simple as grounding with her daughter by feeling the grass beneath their bare feet or slowing down for a moment of mindfulness together. These little moments can make a big difference in helping our kids feel safe, calm, and connected to their bodies.

Join the journey: Be better every day

If you’re ready to dive deeper into nervous system regulation and somatics, Anna’s story and techniques are just the beginning. On the Being Better Everday podcast, we dive into these topics and more, giving you real-life, actionable insights to help you on your wellness journey so don’t forget to tune in!

Because at the end of the day, it’s about moving forward—one mindful step at a time.

P.S. Remember—stress might be inevitable, but with the right tools, it doesn’t have to take over your life. 🌱

Yoga at sunrise for nervous system regulation

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